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How does it work

How does it work

From making contact
to the intervention,
we explain everything!.

devis prestation à domicile, flexibilité contrat entretien, attestation fiscale service à la personne, déductions impôts
Esprit Tranquille

First Contact

Do you need an estimate, information or a quotation? Contact us by phone at 04 90 05 89 98 or by filling out our form here. The quote is free!

prestations service à la personne, contrat d'entretien, contrat ménage à domicile, contrat repassage à domicile, contrat jardinage


As soon as requested, as soon as sent.

Would you like a quote for one of our services? After contacting the person in charge, your quote will be sent to you within 24 hours! An evaluation visit will be made if necessary. We are particularly reactive, all you have to do is try!

responsable secteur, visite de votre domicile

Visit of the sector manager and handing over the keys

After agreement of the quotation, the area manager will contact you to make an appointment. 
You will define together in detail your needs, the products used to make your house shine, which also makes the little extra of an intervention according to you.

We are fond of details concerning your expectations in order to satisfy you as well as possible and find the ideal profile of the person who will be able to satisfy you.
85% of our clients entrust us with their keys after this appointment, which then makes us autonomous for the installation of the chosen intervener and his/her replacement if he/she is on vacation.



You decide the date and time of the interventions. You can modify or cancel an intervention within 8 days notice.

contrôle qualité intervention

Follow-up of services

At the end of the second intervention, we take stock with you and the speaker to ensure your satisfaction and make any necessary improvements.

Then, we keep contact regularly in order to check that you are fully satisfied. We are constantly listening to you and we guarantee an optimal response and processing time.

The relationship of trust that binds us is of the utmost importance.


Payment methods

À la fin de chaque mois, nous vous envoyons une facture récapitulative, que vous pouvez payer soit par prélèvement, soit par virement, soit par chèque bancaire, soit par CESU préfinancés.

En février, nous vous faisons parvenir une attestation fiscale qui est à joindre à votre déclaration d’impôt afin de bénéficier de la réduction ou du crédit d’impôt de 50% des sommes dépensées (selon la loi de finance en vigueur).

Grâce aux réductions d’impôts le coût de nos interventions est optimisé au maximum.

+33.4 90 05 89 98

1029 route des Taillades - 84300 Cavaillon

Mentions légales | Politique de confidentialité © Agence Effervescence 2020-2024